What if I could give you a secret life hack that would propel you ahead of those around you in life? Well, here you go...
Where do you see yourself a year from now? Would you like to be more successful with your own business, new home, dream car, or something similar? Are you doing anything to make that happen, or are you drifting along, hoping it'll just fall into your lap?
We all need to grow personally and professionally to better ourselves regularly. Most people would gladly admit they want to be better in life. We all want to do better, be better, and live better daily! But growth is very seldom something that happens without effort.
There is one simple thing you can do to help you become a better version of yourself every day than who you were yesterday: you need to be reading.
Did you know the average American reads four books a year after they graduate? An avid reader will read twelve books a year. Just think about what a valuable resource they are missing out on!
Now, I'm not talking about reading just anything. You won't see very much growth from reading an Instagram post (there's nothing wrong with Instagram; I'm even on it @brianreavesmagic), though you'll see some cute dog videos. If you read the news daily, it'll keep you up to date on current events, but that doesn't mean growth. You have to be purposeful with what you read if you want to see growth.
A simple self-help book can give you ideas and motivation to try something new that day. A goal-setting book can help you visualize exactly what you want to do with the next year of your life.
I'm not talking about thick novels that are purely for entertainment (again, nothing wrong with those in moderation), but books of less than 200 pages that you can finish in a week or less. Buy the audio versions of the books and listen to them on your way to work and back. Or get the Kindle versions on your phone for those "downtime" moments. It's surprising how easily we can find time to do important things when we just look for them.
If you could read one book a week, you would be twice what an avid reader in America is and six times better off than the average American. Just with one simple tweak in your habits!
Personal growth is important, so prioritize it in your life. Never stop learning, and you'll see yourself growing in ways that the people around you aren't. You'll see successes they never will. And you'll experience change they could only dream of!
You weren't made to be average!