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Brian Reaves
May 31, 20242 min read
I Can (NOT) Do This!
I talked to an organization's president recently, and he told me the story of Andy (name changed to protect the guilty). Andy had been...
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Brian Reaves
May 7, 20242 min read
Time To Take Action!
What are you doing to move ahead in life? For years, I had a desire to play the guitar. I had watched so many amazing guitarists make...
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Brian Reaves
Oct 23, 20234 min read
Progress Vs Perfection
Have you ever had a vacation trip go a little off the rails? Maybe you got stuck in traffic for hours when it was supposed to be a clear...
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Brian Reaves
May 1, 20232 min read
Tenacity Can Be More Valuable Than Talent
"You shouldn't focus on why you can't do something, which is what most people do. You should focus on why perhaps you can, and be one of...
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Brian Reaves
Feb 13, 20234 min read
You Really Can Do It!
When I was in my late teens, I fell into a very bad relationship with someone who had very low self-esteem. As a result, the only way...
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Brian Reaves
Jan 9, 20232 min read
The Magic of Goals
Happy New Year! The common theme every January is "New Year's Resolutions", but how many of those ever stick? I've been going to the gym...
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Brian Reaves
Sep 6, 20223 min read
Strong Leaders Are Secure Leaders
Imagine for a moment that I'm in a band. I can play all the instruments in the band, but I'm not really spectacular at any of them. Now...
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Brian Reaves
Jun 6, 20226 min read
The Destructive Power of Indecision
As a leader, you have to understand the true strength of leadership comes from your team's confidence in you and your ability to lead...
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Brian Reaves
Mar 13, 20223 min read
You Are Not One Moment!
So many people have such amazing potential for greatness in them but they let one hurdle forever hold them back. Recently I put together...
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Brian Reaves
Jul 22, 20193 min read
Change Your Direction!
You can live the rest of your life in the shadows of someone else's actions, or you can take away their power to hurt you and move on.
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Brian Reaves
Jul 8, 20193 min read
Inspire Your Team to Strive for Stretch Goals
Setting goals that dare your workers to go a little further than they think they’re capable of can present special challenges for a manager.
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Brian Reaves
Jun 18, 20193 min read
6 Ways to Help Employees Beat Stress and Be More Efficient
Below is a list of 6 ways in which you can help your company reduce stress for your employees while increasing the output of your business.
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Brian Reaves
Nov 20, 20184 min read
Creating Showtime Moments
“Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” ―Booker T. Washington You have a super power, and you might not even have...
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Brian Reaves
Oct 15, 20182 min read
What Can You Do?
The other day I got a fortune cookie that had a particularly good statement: "Do not let what you can't do stop you from doing what you...
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Brian Reaves
Oct 10, 20183 min read
Taking Action Vs. Talking Action
Toward the end of every December and the beginning of January, a lot of people begin to make resolutions. They resolve to lose weight,...
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Brian Reaves
Sep 17, 20182 min read
10 Quotes To Start Your Day Strong
Sometimes we wake up ready to tackle the world. Other days we find it hard to get out of bed. It's amazing how a few hours can completely...
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Brian Reaves
Jul 18, 20182 min read
What Is Motivational Magic?
I am a motivational speaker. I am also a magician. When you combine the two, it creates something that captivates an audience's...
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