In 2015, I discovered the germ of an idea while trying to solve a particular problem I was facing. As I considered the situation, I realized my thinking was way outside what I would have easily considered my limitations before. It was a shocking moment for me because it had been a subtle change that developed over years of trying to create magic for people.
You see, magic isn't created using the normal rules. Coins don't naturally vanish, elephants don't just appear, and you can't really saw someone in half (well, you can, but putting them back together isn't anywhere near successful). You have to approach illusions through very creative methods of thinking.
I put together a presentation about creative problem-solving and delivered it at several events. I still didn't have a catchy title, but the ideas were there.
Fast forward a few months to mid-2016 and I found myself having lunch with one of the people responsible for selecting speakers for TEDx Birmingham. I talked to him about how problem-solving was much different when coming at things with a magician's perspective. He loved the concept and I was invited to speak at TEDx Birmingham 2017.
In the months that followed, I created pages of material for the speech but ultimately had to trim it down to a very manageable 11-minute presentation. A lot of my favorite moments had to go, but in the end it was an incredibly tight speech that got the information out there. If you'd like to see it, you can do so at this link.
Since then, I have given the "Ignore the Impossible" presentation in full at several events to very positive feedback. It's been a true favorite of mine because the information is relevant to anyone who needs problem-solving suggestions (which is pretty much all of us).
Now fast forward to 2018. After taking some time to develop it all, I'm happy to announce the release of Ignore the Impossible: Problem-Solving with a Magician's Mindset in paperback and in Kindle!
The book is filled with all the information from my TEDx presentation, along with a whole lot more detail. I even teach a magic trick at the end so you can immediately start creating your own miracles!
It is also a valuable tool if you attend on my lectures in person, as we use it as a workbook to further develop the ideas I present and the ones you create yourself through what you learn.
I'm really pleased to finally get this information out there. I hope you can join me either in person or through this book as together we choose to "Ignore the Impossible"!