Let me ask you something: When is "when"?
I talk to so many people who plan to be happy in the future. What I mean is that they'll say things like, "I'll be happy when I get a new job," "I'll be happy when I start my own business," or "I'll be happy when I get out of debt." Their happiness seems to depend upon some event happening someday that will miraculously flip a switch in their life so that satisfaction finally flows in.
The problem with living like that is twofold: first, you live your life in a holding pattern. Life seems to stall out on us as we wait for that big moment when we'll finally be able to relax and be happy. You constantly anticipate that major event while ignoring every smaller opportunity that might avail itself because it doesn't seem like it will propel you forward enough. But, as I've said before, baby steps are still steps!
Second, we miss out on all the great opportunities to be happy right now. I can guarantee you have reasons to be happy wherever you are in life. Somewhere out there, there is someone who would gladly switch places with you exactly where you are. The worst part of this is that we often don't appreciate what (or who) we have until we no longer have them.
That's not to say we couldn't have better moments in our lives. We all have room for improvement and an unexpected blessing to fall into our lap. I'm just saying don't get so caught up in what you don't have that you take for granted all the things you do have. It doesn't matter if you're Barney Fife living in a tiny room in Mayberry or Bruce Wayne living in a mansion in Gotham City; you've got things to be thankful for.
Live this moment today, for all it's worth. Be present and learn to be as content as possible with "now." Who knows? Your "when I..." moment may be just around the corner, but in case it isn't, find every reason to enjoy today that you can.
Believe it or not, twenty years from now, you might look back on this moment and realize how incredible this time of your life really was!
